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Science... sort of

Oct 25, 2013

00:00:00 - For the first time in the history of ever, scientists have discovered a bug with functional gears in its legs! Jacob makes sure  to explain it in such a way as to not give the Creationist any footing from which to perform a perfectly timed leap. Or something like that. The point is this evolved naturally and...

Oct 9, 2013

00:00:00 - Jane Zelikova returns to talk about ants! Our guide is the wonderful and free Dr. Eleanor's Book of Common Ants but also including a few new species just described by science. There are a lot ants out there people. But seriously, go snag the pdf of the book so you can follow along with our Ant Science 101...

Oct 3, 2013

00:00:00 - Charlie and Ryan are delighted to be joined by Miles Traer and Leslie Chang of the Generation Anthropocene podcast. The discussion begins, albeit easily and effectively distracted (by things like sea dragons aka oarfish), talking a bit about their paths leading up to the inception of the podcast.