Aug 12, 2015
00:00:00 - Why do birds suddenly appear (in a V formation)? We've known for a long time that flying in a V is more efficient than other patterns, but now scientists have determined that birds take it a step further: they flap their wings in perfect sync to maximize efficiency. Joe, the aerospace engineer, isn't surprised by this but does think it's pretty cool and tells us all about wingtip vortices. And apparently there are planes with parachutes on them, so Jack Handy really was onto something there.
00:13:21 - Lots of people like to have a drink when they fly, hopefully not the pilot though. Patrick has a Morning Glory Espresso Stout from Dominion. Joe enjoys some Stephen's dark chocolate hot cocoa, how fancy! Finally, Ryan has a sampler pack from Bayern Brewing, he lets Patrick and Joe chose and winds up with a Dragon's Breath.
00:19:14 - It turns out no matter how hard you try you can't educate people into believing in evolution, which is kind of a bummer but maybe that's because most people don't care about the debate in the first place. Maybe someday people will not care but also generally agree with the scientific consensus. And before you send the e-mail, we know not all Christians are Creationists, we point it out pretty much every time.
00:46:19 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like education, most people think we should invest more in them but no one is really willing to put in the money to do it. Speaking of money, Joe's PaleoPOW is a donation from Pedro P. Thanks Pedro! Patrick has an e-mail from Adam R. following up on our discussion of the peer-review system discussion from episode 200. Adam's got some pretty good ideas. Speaking of good ideas: fireworks. Kyle M. sends us some photos of some paleo-themed fireworks, with an offer to set them off on video for our viewing pleasure at his earliest convenience.
Also: bigfoot update!
Special thanks this week to Daniel at for help with audio production and editing!
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show:
Where Do My Bluebirds Fly - The Tallest Man On Earth
Geek Stink Breath - Green Day
Never Learn - Devil Makes Three