Jul 24, 2017
00:00:00 - Ryan and Kelly are joined by Mikhail "Misha" Gopko to talk about his latest paper exploring parasites controlling their fish host from inside their eye. Brain-infecting is one thing, but when you can see your parasite inside your own eyeball? That's just creepy.
00:24:44 - Kelly considers fibbing but opts for honesty as she drinks her water. Ryan has a Grolsch because he needs a resealable bottle for some home fermentation projects, and why buy empty beer bottles when you can just empty them yourself?
00:31:42 - Part 2 of our interview with Misha chats about the importance of parasite research, and what future projects Misha has in store.
00:49:51 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like parasites in bird guts, they always come out at the end. First up, we thank Terry R. for being a Patron of the show, which earns them a thesis title. There's is A Bird in the Hand: Mechanisms of manipulation of avian defecation by Diplostomum pseudospathaceum. Thanks, Terry! Kelly has a Facebook message from D Rex who ran half a marathon while enjoying hearing about Kelly's research in episode 259. Way to go! Don't forget to pre-order Kelly's upcoming book Soonish, and check out Ryan's episode of the Out There podcast called "The Reluctant Outdoorsman".
Cool rewards await you if you decide to support us on Patreon!
Music for this week's
Something in my eye! - Jay and the
In De Hemel Is Geen Bier - De
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