Jun 14, 2018
00:00:00 - Kelly and Ryan are joined by author Carl Zimmer to discuss his latest book: She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity
00:24:28 - In which Kelly and Ryan take a quick coffee break, even if Kelly goes decaf.
00:28:17 - Part two of our chat with Carl. If you simply must have more then you should definitely just get the book. You can find more books on Carl's website and follow him on Twitter @carlzimmer.
00:49:46 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like inherited traits, you think you can predict them, but it can always go wrong. First up, Patron Stu P. (AKA Stoop) gets a BSso thesis with the title: Growing a funny bone: how babies cells modify a mother’s laugh. Thanks, Stu! We also must thank modernarts for their recent 5-star iTunes review pushing us back up the charts!
Bonus fact: the tongue-twister inspired by a paleontologist
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Music for this week's
Sons & Daughters
- The Decemberists
Cup of Coffee -
Johnny Cash
My Father's Eyes
- Eric Clapton