Nov 17, 2018
00:00:00 - Patrick and Charlie return to discuss Martian colonization, but not just whether or not we could, but whether or not we should. Technical concerns aside, what do we risk ethically if we decide to make Mars a haven for wayward humans? And are we already too late to even worry about it? (Also, be sure to check out some of the work done by Charlie’s old acquaintance Margarita Marinova)
00:22:24 - Mars may not have much water but we do. Charlie, in the earliest time zone, goes first with his Kombucha Town Cascadian Hop Ceylon Tea. Ryan follows up with a slightly misidentified Hop Overboard from Supreme Core Cider. Patrick ledes with a big life announcement, then explains the beer scene of his new home, and his choice of the Fursty Ferret from Badger Beers for this week’s show.
00:35:42 - For our second second, we tackle an old favorite: the inequities of scientific published. It may sound dry, but the stakes are high. Namely, how did a group of highly educated and motivated people find themselves over a barrel for getting their work out in there in the age of the internet? In a word: capitalism. Any ideas how to fix it? Let us know!
00:59:36 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like publishing; it goes smoother with an editor. Ryan begins with a BSso for superfan and patron Caryne H. For her degree, she wrote When Planets Fight Back: The Unintended Consequences of Hominid Parasitism on the Aresian Atmosphere and the Homicides It Led To. Thanks, Caryne! Charlie reads an excellent 5-star iTunes review from Matt449, and Patrick has some overdue ‘Summer of Love’ feedback from Zach G. Lastly, if you’re in the DC area, check out the DMV AWG, an org Ryan’s been helping out with, and other than that, just keep being your scientifical best!
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Music for this episode:
Rocket Man (I Think It’s Going To Be A Long Long Time) - Elton John
This Is England - The Clash
Money Maker - The Black Keys