Jun 6, 2019
00:00:00 - Ryan is joined by Utah State University journalism professor Matthew LaPlante (@mdlaplante), who teaches science graduate students how to communicate better all while doing #SciComm himself. They chat about Matthew's approach to helping scientists find the type of outreach that works best for them, amongst many other tangents.
00:23:53 - Impassioned conversation can lead to a powerful thirst, and this episode Ryan is staying hydrated with his trusty new water bottle. Get your own and show the dehydration haters who’s boss!
00:27:04 - The conversation continues. Matthew has a new book out, Superlative: The Biology of the Extremes, but instead he and Ryan mostly talk about his Utah Public Radio show UnDisciplined, which is also released as a podcast. Ryan was even on their April Science News Roundup which you can listen to now.
00:50:37 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like journalism; an important facet of society that we must protect. Ryan riding solo this episode so cranking through a few things like an e-mail from Julie S. harkening back to the long-forgotten episode 115 and a message from Bob M. about the more recent STEAM-focused episode 303. Worth noting that to celebrate the paperback edition of Soonish, The Weekly Weinersmith has returned with 10 new interviews for you to enjoy. Go check it out! And finally, a voicemail from Holly S. confirming that the voicemail line is indeed still active. Thanks for calling in, Holly!
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Music credit: Comma - Blue Dot Sessions