Jan 1, 2020
00:00:00 - Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson returns to the show to talk about his new book, Letters from an Astrophysicist. In addition to book chat, he and Ryan also touch on the culture growth of pseudoscience such as people who believe the earth is flat, and 1960s sci-fi films like 2001 and Planet of the Apes.
00:26:46 - We have a segment for drinks. This is that segment. Abraham keeps it on topic with an Orbital Tilt IPA (Citra) from Captain Lawrence Brewing Company. Joe is back onto the Rocket Fizz with a Gene Autry Root Beer, which leads to a discussion of root beer rankings. Ryan philosophizes about west coast IPAs thanks to a gift from Abe in the form of Pliny the Elder from Russian River Brewing.
00:36:57 - In part two of their chat, Ryan and Dr. Tyson talk about his philosophy regarding Twitter, and how he learns from making online mistakes. As well as why an espoused liberal scientist might work for a conservative presidential administration. And, finally, how science has and hasn’t progressed in terms of recruiting and retaining underrepresented minorities and women. In addition to the new book, you can find Dr. Tyson on Twitter, his podcast, and his website.
01:00:59 - PaleoPOWs are delightful. ‘Nuff said. We begin with a voicemail from Alex K. about veganism, which leads to a discussion about yards and archery. It follows, we promise. Ryan reads an e-mail about Robin Hood cameos in literature from Rose E. And we double down on Patreon theses for Jerm (because we failed to remember that they got a thesis last episode) so Jerm’s extra major was completed with a thesis entitled: Pierced with rejection: Archery Implemented Relays (AIR) Mail as a low-carbon method for feedback delivery in the scientific peer-review process. Thanks again, Jerm!
Thanks for a great year, looking forward to next year where you’ll get a whole lot more SCIENCE… you know the rest.
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