Mar 10, 2020
00:00:00 - Asher Elbein (@asher_elbein) is back to talk about feral hogs! If you listen to Reply All you may have already heard some of his reporting on the issue, but we were able to dig deep and really get it into.
00:14:54 - Drinking alone means making healthy choices (sometimes), like this nice bottle of Thai spice tea Ryan has from Running Byrd Tea Co. Free ad for some fine tea.
00:16:40 - We keep it invasive in part two of my chat with Asher where we talk about ‘invasive’ donkeys on public lands. Are they really invasive? Who decides and then who decides what to do about it?
00:48:21 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like interviews, they can go on longer than you expect. But not this episode, this time because we just have a quick iTunes review from isisddog. Thanks and tune in soon for part two of my chat with Asher.
Also, Flowers in the Gutter, the book by former guest Kristina Gaddy, is now available for purchase. Check it out!
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Music Credit: Sage the Hunter - Blue Dot Sessions