Jun 11, 2020
00:00:00 - New experimental research shows that there might still be volcanoes active on Venus, which is a big deal since it has long been thought that Venus didn’t have active plate tectonics. Abe breaks down how the hottest planet in the solar system may have just gotten a bit hotter.
00:22:00 - Drinks would evaporate quickly on Venus, so we better drink them fast before they’re gone! Abe has the thematically appropriate Volcano Sauce by Aslin Beer Company. Ryan supports a local cidery with a Nevertheless by ANXO. Joe eschews juice with his Pepsi Zero Wild Cherry, but even though he’s not a beer drinker he advocates supporting his local trivia spot Transplants Brewing, who are doing take out and delivery if you’re in the area.
00:31:23 - When you think of invasive species, you probably don’t think of hippos, yet that’s exactly what happened in Colombia when the hippopotamus pod that was part of Pablo Escobar’s menagerie went native. New research suggests that they may actually be fulfilling the ecological niche left behind when camel-like animals such as Hemiauchenia, so maybe its not so bad to have them around after all?
00:47:40 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like hippos, cute, but dangerous. We begin with an overdue discussion of what type of rock Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is, as prompted by a tweet from TruxStop, but you’ll have to tune in for the results. Next up we get a little love from Montana via Joshua C. Thanks, Joshua! And we wrap things up by granting a BSso to Patreon supporter Ben K. who has completed a thesis entitled: Whatever Floats Your Hippo: Use of Hippopotamus-Hide Lighter-Than-Air Craft for Surface Exploration from the Venereal Atmosphere. Thanks again, Ben!
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Music credit: Jettisoned - Poddington Bear