Aug 22, 2011
We did it!
00:00:00 - What are we drinking gets pushed to the front one more time as the entire former cast of the show (sans Justin) returns for the centennial episode! And everyone brought a beverage so hear what Ryan, Patrick, Charlie, Ben, Heather, Jacob and Kelly came to the anniversary show with.
00:09:35 - Game 1: Bleeping Science
Show notes are a bit different this week because we did a game show style episode instead of the normal format, and our first game was Bleeping Science. Hear the Paleopals try to guess what was said in old clips from the show with a word removed!
00:31:20 - Patrick gets back to Moe regarding that whole Stitcher thing. Bottom line? We're now on Stitcher. Enjoy!
00:33:04 - Game 2: What did Charlie think?
The second game is brought to the Paleopals by Ben when he makes them try to think like Charlie regarding old segments of Trailer Trash Talk. Were they able to get inside his mind enough to win?
00:45:53 - What would an anniversary be without sharing some memories? The Paleopals reflect on 100 episodes. There favorite topics, their favorite guests, and whatever else comes to mind. Have a memory of your own? Let us know with any of the myriad methods available to get in touch with us!
01:05:09 - In other news: Science... sort of is expanding! Ben and Kelly are itching to do their own shows, but rather than let them go they'll be staying under the group umbrella as we form a network. This is pretty huge. We're all very excited. And we think you should be too!
01:10:36 - Game 3: Stars, man.
Patrick has combed over the iTunes reviews and reads a single sentence to the other Paleopals. Their job? Guess what star-rating the reviewer left!
01:26:26 - And finally, we end the show with a single PaleoPOW from Babbletrish wherein she sends us the awesome artwork you see above and at the Brachiolope Gallery. Then we decide to give away some prizes on the Facebook and Twitter pages as won by Sarah B., Edward A. and Dayna D. respectively. And finally a super secret tie-breaking game brought to us by Patrick. Thanks for listening all this time. You guys are the best, especially the ones who read to the bottom of the show notes. You know who you are!
We have a blog. It may soon even have an answer key for this episode. So check early and check often at!
Music for this week's show:
Happy Birthday - Wynton Marsalis Septet
Just 2 Guyz - Incredibad
What'd I Say - Ray Charles
On the Radio - Regina Spektor
Charlie Brown Theme Song - Charles Mingus
Mic Like a Memory - Cunninlynguists
Let's Push Forward - The Streets
7 Stars - Apples in Stereo