Oct 9, 2011
00:00:00 – The Ig Nobel awards were a surprise to Sean Williams, and he blames Ryan. Thus Ryan concoted a game to tell the truly ignoble from the simply ficticious, and he forces Charlie and Jacob to play a round of Ig Nobel or Ig Know Not?!
Topics covered include but are not limited to:
Congrats to all the 2011 Ig Nobel winners for making science just that much zanier!
00:20:57 – Drinks. When done correctly they go down smooth. This week Jacob succumbs to the marketing powers of AB InBev with a Leffe, is the flavor worth the sacrifice? Ryan undergoes a gluten-free beer experiment with mixed results. And Charlie has a red wine too difficult to spell here, but he liked it.
00:30:45 – This week Trailer Trash Talk attempts to unpack everything happening in the trailer for the remake of the 1984 classic Footloose. Can is possible live up to the original? Probably not, but Ryan tries his best. Plus Jacob and Charlie share their thoughts on Terra Nova in the wake of Special Edition 4!
00:49:20 – Ryan's gluten-free beer experiment continues while government computers controlling killer-drones get infected with keylogging viruses. Vectors of infection, trailers in Nevada, and the future of warfare are discussed.
01:08:54 – PaleoPOWs are at lot like viruses, they arrive in unexpected ways with devastating results. Charlie has some follow up from Sam O. about Episode 95's singularity discussion about robot vs. robot crime. Ryan recites the 3 Laws of Robotics from memory then talks pyschohistory. Asimov for the win! Ryan giggles his way through the absurdity of our Facebook page reaching 1,000 fans then immediately dropping to 999. We have a bit of a buffer now, but no reason not go join the fun, right? And Jacob deals, via an e-mail from Kendal T., with the 'controversy' surrounding bad headlines pitting gamers and scientists against each other in the struggle to cure aids. The Paleopals set things straight!
Thanks for listening! Make sure to check out Kelly's new venture The Weekly Weinersmith, a proud member of the Brachiolope Media Network!
Music for this week’s show:
What You Know – Two Door Cinema Club
Fields of Gold – Celtic Dreams
Let’s Hear it For the Boy – Deniece Williams
Virus Human – The Ponys