Feb 8, 2012
00:00:00 - Bora Zivkovic chats with Ryan about Science Online 2012, the unconference that we're happy to have clutter our twitter feeds! Then Jacquelyn Gill returns to tell us about her experiences as a participant as the very same conferences. Two perspectives?! It's like real journalism in here.
00:34:34 - Taking a cue from #Scio12, the paleopals also kick back with a beverage. Guest Jacquelyn is chilling out with some hot ginger lemon tea. Patrick is searching for nirvana in a Japanese barley ale. And Ryan is getting wet with Old Burly. Ryan also uses the label as an excuse to drop some New River facts on the crew in preparation for an upcoming segment. SYNERGY!
00:40:40 - A surprising origin, director, cast, and writer leave the paleopals conflicted on the trailer for the upcoming oddly-titled movie John Carter.
00:53:53 - Plants and rivers have been shaping the earth dramatically since they both showed up on land. Nature did a special feature concerning some new discoveries on the matter and the paleopals waste no time floating on down the line of new and exciting alluvial science! Also, there's a Pleistocene park in Russia. It's all related somehow.
01:21:21 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like mammoths, never found in Siberia. Patrick has a generous donation from Bruce H. Thanks, Bruce! And Ryan has a photo from Steve D. of a captured Brachiolope! Next up, Steve will find us a bigfoot and take a non-blurry photo.
Thanks for listening! Be sure to check out all the great podcasts coming at your ears from the Brachiolope Media Network!
Music for this week's show provided by:
Here Comes Science - They Might Be Giants
Old Man Time - O.A.R.
Mars Attacks - The Misfits
River Deep - The Devil Makes Three