Apr 24, 2012
00:00:00 - Tyranosaurs be feathered! David Hone joins Patrick and Ryan to talk about the cuddliest of all megapredators just released from the fertile fossil fields of the Orient!
00:27:57 - With new dinos out of the way the guys kick back for a cold one. Charlie keeps consistent with a Coors Light, Patrick thinks it's a lovely day for a Guinness, Zach Weiner has a NEW handcrafted cocktail: Thai Iced Weiner. And Ryan harkens back to Zach's first appearance and tries to show him how to do a fruity malt beverage right with a Bridgeport Brewing Stumptown Tart!
00:34:14 - The criticisms flow like water for the upcoming shock-umentary Last Call at the Oasis which is the subject of this week's Trailer Trash Talk!
00:49:36 - Hyenas will eat just aobut anything, so what happens when the nearby humans drastically change their diet for 40 days? Well the hyenas have to go on lent too, at least that what scientists have found by going through their poop. Donkeys beware when Ethopians stop chowing down on delicious goats. Plus, special bonus content concerning hyena taxonomy. YAY!
00:59:39 - PaleoPOWs are lot like hyenas, people say they steal your children, but they really don't. Zach Weiner is his own PaleoPOW, which also makes him an oroboros. He's got his fingers all over the internets, go enjoy his wares, won't you? Patrick brings us a different sort of bones from Great A. in the form of a donation. Thanks, Greg! Ryan has a randomly selected iTunes review from mattgoranson chosen out of the many after the deluge from the offering of prize packs. And finally Charlie has an e-mail from Daniel R. asking about how to design a baby Brachiolope costume. Halloween can't come soon enough!
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show provided by:
Fuzzy - The Incredible Moses Leroy
Silver and Cold - AFI
Treading Water - Alex Clare
Give It Up - The Format