May 15, 2012
00:00:00 - Science keeps chugging along, and the media keeps reporting it wrong. This week Patrick and Ryan go toe-to-toe in the friendliest of ways with recurring guest Brian Switek and newly minted guest Derek Mead in a discussion of how the science gets reported based on an article by Derek and a how-to guide by Double X Science.
00:32:27 - Having been told that reporters drinks, the Paleopals decide to do the same. Derek downs a Modelo Especial sin Lima, because apparently cirtrus in "chincy." Don't worry, Ryan asks what it means while he also drinks a Restraining Order cocktail. Patrick isn't sure if he's drinking a Magic Hat #9, and he also isn't sure if he likes it.
00:36:40 - Time travel may not yet be possible, but if it was don't expect a warranty especially if you're responding to the classfied ad which inspired this week's Trailer Trash Talk: Safety Not Guaranteed.
00:42:41 - The Paleopals et al. discuss the recent failures of mainstream science journalism that prompted the discussion part 1 of this very episode! Brian has been hard at work debunking the recently promoted nonsense concerning space dinosaurs, aquatic dinosaurs, and of course, flatulent dinosaurs.
01:15:36 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like bogus science reporting, they happen more often than your might expect. Patrick regales us all with tales from Betsy and her adventures taming a supposedly aquatic brachiolope, which you can judge for yourself in the Brachiolope Gallery. And Ryan has an e-mail from an Aussie in exile, Graeme N., concerning some of our fruit and marsupial based distinctions discussed in episode 131. Thanks for the clarifications, mate!
And finally, we didn't have time to talk about them but helps the theme make sense: FOSSIL FLEAS FEEDING ON DINOSAURS
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show provided by:
I Got News - Sweatshop Union
Bozo's Lament - Jonathan Coulton
Push It (Feat. Sean Kingston) (REMIX) - Be South 13
Where We Went Wrong - The Hush Sound