Jul 4, 2012
00:00:00 - Lousiana wants to implement vouchers to send kids to private schools. Problem is some of these schools teach Creationsist science and math. And it seems the Loch Ness Monster is their ace in the hole to disprove evolution. So there's that...
00:25:07 - Drinks dull the pain of bad science. Ryan has a merlot with a marshmallow. It's a think he's been meaning to try. And Kelly kicks back a Cabernet Sauvignon, which apparently is an old favorite for her. Who knew? Jacob has a Bold City Brewery's Lamp Post Ale. He claims it's only OK, but he certainly didn't take long to finish it.
00:31:46 - Ryan couldn't wait any longer so this week's Trailer Trash Talk gets excited over the conclusion of Nolan's Batman trilogy with The Dark Knight Rises.
00:45:51 - Everybody knows that cheetahs can outrun greyhounds, but how? A new paper in the Journal of Experimental Biology explores the distinctions by putting them both on a track. SCIENCE!
01:06:10 - PalePOWs are a lot like cheetahs, easy to tame but hard to catch. Kelly has an e-mail from Elio asking why exactly Jeff Goldblum is in Jurassic Park, other than showing off his "sensual chest." Jacob has an e-mail from Ben H. who, after reading James Gleik's Chaos and more, has some in-depth questions about chaos, computation, and other heady math stuff. Plus some fractals. Recurring donor Abigail A. sends along a belated missive explaining why as an artist she enjoys the show (as well as the podcast Dame is a Four Letter Word by listener Laurin P.) and her own efforts to spread the love of phenology locally.
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Music for this week's show provided by:
Rebellion (Lies) - The Arcade Fire
A Bottle of Red, A Bottle of Spite - Houston Calls
Batman 2 (The Beginning is the End is the Beginning) - Smashing Pumpkins
At The Speed Of A Yellow Bullet - Head Automatica