Oct 30, 2012
00:00:00 - Elphant hair: curious leftover or useful coolant? New research suggests the latter, and Derek Mead of Motherboard is here to fill in the sparsely haired gaps!
00:18:02 - Elephants spray water on themselves to keep cool. Since humans sweat, we don't waste precious liquids on our skin when they can easily be put in our mouths. Derek is double-fisting a hometown favorite Sierra Nevada Tumbler brown ale and a new experience in the Peak Hop Noir. Patrick justifies his Gnarly Head Zinfandel 2012. And Ryan is excited by the beer availability of Colorado as demonstrated with a Paragon Apricot Blonde.
00:23:27 - Found footage is all the rage, and there is clearly much rage in the upcoming horror film Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes which is the laughable subject of this week's Trailer Trash Talk!
00:34:35 - Noble gases are impressive by nature, especially in sign form. But unfortunately we're running low on some, like helium, and never had that much of others, like xenon. A new study in Nature explores why we may be lacking, and Patrick questions why we have so much of others.
00:50:20 - PaleoPOWs are lot like noble gases, impressive but sometimes hard to pin down. Derek uses his PaleoPOW to plug his own wares at Motherboard.vice.com, but also gives a shoutout to Joakim W. for posting the tardigrade video Derek made on our Facebook page. Synchronicity! Patrick thanks Vincnent B. for starting a new recurring donation, and Vincent calls in to tell us just how to pronounce his last name. Thanks, Vincent! And finally Ryan has a new dual addition to the Brachiolope Gallery as submitted via Twitter by Tommy L
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show provided by:
Summer Wind - Frank Sinatra
Drinking With You - Jonathan Coulton
Bigfoot Song - Buddy Knox
All The Way Up To Heaven - Guster