May 7, 2013
00:00:00 - Erin Barker and Ben Lillie of The Story Collider live show and podcast join Patrick and Ryan to discuss the magic of science disseminated via story. We also talk about their successful Kickstart of Science Studio, featuring a little podcast you may know and enjoy. Be sure to check out their podcast, especially the episode featuring our very own Kelly Weinersmith! (and some guy she brought along to help.)
00:27:05 - Drinks often lead to stories, so let's have some. Patrick embraces Spring with an Old Dominion Cherry Blossom Lager. Charlie cuts through the nonsense with a Sierra Nevada Ruthless Rye. And Ryan keep is "local" with some Buffalo Bill Cody Rye Ale!
00:.33:10 - Speaking of stories, how about a new one featuring some old characters, which is exactly what we have in this week's Trailer Trash Talk with Star Trek Into Darkness.
00:44:58 - Charlie also has a story to tell, it's all about big batteries and their applications. Apparently your best bet to charge your phone is a big tub of water. It makes more sense when Charlie explains it.
01:05:51 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like batteries, they never last as long as you think. Patrick gets a stern correction from Bec B. concerning his bungling of Australian geography, but she softens the blow with some cold hard cash. Thanks, Bec! Charlie has an update from Antarctic pilot Blair H. who exposed his Science... sort of T-shirt to the open air near the South Pole (here's the photo for proof). HARDCORE. And Ryan wraps things up by unwrapping some sweet science cards from Jonathan Horn at Blue Dot Prints. Jon sent enough that we'll be including packs to winners of the Flyer Contest, so get on it and be sure to thank Jon for your good fortune!
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show provided by:
Might Tell You Tonight - Scissor Sisters
Ruthless - Something Corporate
The Dark of the Matinée - Franz Ferdinand
Battery - Aesop Rock