Aug 19, 2013
00:00:00 - Darwin, whom we all know and love for his contributions to biology, was also a geologist of note in his day, thereby doubly securing his legacy as one excellent gentleman scientist.
00:18:00 - Gentlemen scientists are also known to enjoy drinks. Ryan cuts everyone off to talk about his Glacier Ale from Red Lodge Ales. Jacob has a Red Shoulder RyePA brewed by a listener/co-worker. And Patrick has the final in his Thunderhead series of beers given to him by Ryan. Speaking of trilogies...
00:26:28 - While Patrick remains skeptical of the idea of The Cornetto Trilogy, the guys generally agree that the preview of The World's End paints a rosy picture in this week's Trailer Trash Talk!
00:37:46 - Terrible headlines aside, io9 provides a cool story about using self-replicating probes for galactic exploration based on a recent study which determined that the galaxy could be fully explored with this method in a mere 10 million years!
00:57:48 In this week's PaleoPOW the Summer of Love wraps up with our final request for your Time & Talent. We want YOU to help US and here are some things that could be quite handy: things that we could use help with
So e-mail if you possess those skills and thanks to everyone for making this summer so loving! Patrick also has a new recurring donation from Anthony M. Thanks, Anthony! Ryan reads a new iTunes review from BrandoBourassa. And Jacob ends it all with an e-mail from materials scientist Cameron K. about being inspired to start his own podcast. Good luck, Cameron!
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show provided by:
These Stones Will Shout - The Raconteurs
Save Water, Drink Beer - Chris Young
Room @ The End of the World - Matt Nathanson
Spreads for Miles - Sourgrass