Aug 20, 2014
00:00:00 - This week is dedicated to an interview Ryan did with PhD student Zeka Kuspa, who studies environmental toxicology as it affects California condor restoration. The first part of the interview covers the basics of California condors, their conservation history, and the problems they face due to lead poisoning.
00:39:01 - It take us a little bit but we do finally get to the drinks. Zeka, per her policy of only drinking beers with animals on the label, is enjoying a Sculpin from Ballast Point Brewing. Ryan, thinking that raptors often have those cool little hoods on, has the Blindfold Black IPA from Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
00:43:17 - The secondpart of our interview focuses a bit about their project called Condor Watch which is part of Zooniverse and helps researchers get the public involved in analyzing the data from California condor camera traps. You, yes you, can sign up today to be a part of helping keep California's burgeoning condor population healthy and growing strong!
00:47:15 -PaleoPOWs are a lot like vultures, they scavenge the really tasty bits, and tend to live in groups. In the except that proves the rule, only one PaleoPOW this week in the form of a recurring donation from Francis D. Thanks for supporting the show, Francis!
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show:
My Turtledove - Zeka Kuspa (definitely the first and probably only time a guest will provide the song for their interview)