Sep 28, 2010
00:00:00 – In the intro Patrick is unsure about the theme, and the quality therein, Charlie is expanding his IPA repertoire and Ryan gives a mini-dissertations on the merits of small batch Kentucky bourbon.
00:08:21 – What is the one thing that separates humans from all other mammals? Spicy picante hot pepper chili sauce! Our monkey brains are so broken we like the pain capsaicin provides. Charlie elaborates and Patrick gets a bit blue.
00:28:31 – Trailer Trash Talk wants to come in from out of the cold as the Paleopals discuss the "new" child Vampire romance Let Me In.
00:39:43 – Birds can't taste the spicy, but they can still pack a punch all their own when they're gigantic and toothed, just like a new find from Chile.
00:55:18 – PaleoPOWs come in all shapes and sizes. Patrick has the Cadillac of picks with a double dip of donations from Doug in AL and Curtis from TX. Thanks guys! Jackie reminds us, via Charlie, that science needn’t always be silly. And Ryan has a voicemail from RJ in KS who needs help with AI.
That's it for this week, thanks for listening and be sure to stop by for more content and schwag!
Music for the show provided by:
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer – John Lee Hooker
You're so damn hot – OK Go
I'll Let You In – Jackie Greene
Can you picture that – Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem
(In honor of Jim Henson, who would have had his 74th birthday last Friday, September 24)