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Science... sort of

Mar 21, 2011

00:00:00 – Ben takes a moment to ask the Paleoposse to consider helping the people of Japan recover from recent catastrophe. If you'd like to donate we've provided some links:


00:00:40 - Ben also tells us the scientific cautionary tale of LIGO, which has something to do with lasers and gravity waves. Straight out of sci-fi and into a mysterious envelope that holds the key to potential publication!


00:19:01 – What are we drinking? Charlie has trouble with a top. Ben has a brew from south of the border and south of the ground (i.e. made from a root). Ryan supports the Japanese brewery Kiuchi, which even though hit hard by the tsunami has stopped brewing but started bottling water for people displaced from their homes.


00:27:44 – Trailer Trash Talk is a 15-year-old boy's fever dream as the Paleopals discuss Zak Snyder's latest offering: Sucker Punch!


00:39:31 – Economics and alcohol combine in the world of bubbles and brewing. A team hired by Diageo (owners of Guinness) find that it's not the scratches in the glass but the particles in the potion that give you the froth you crave.


00:53:36 – PaleoPOWs are a lot like the Irish. Hard to understand and easily burned. The Paleopals start with their favorite kind of feedback: a donation from Wayne B. in Brooklyn. Thanks, Wayne! Next up is a voicemail from Mike (also from Brooklyn) asking ben for some follow up on zombies based on Episode 66, but only after lavishing praise on Ryan for his Marvel Science of Iron Man articles of last year. Finally, Ryan reads an e-mail from Seth about how we are literally saving his life and lungs as he braves LA traffic. You're welcome!



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Also don't forget to check out Ryan's debut on the iFanboy Pick of the Week podcast which came out this very Sunday. Enjoy!


Music from this week's show: