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Science... sort of

Apr 12, 2011

00:00:00 - Your logo may say more about you than you'd like, so spring for the nicer shirt, because sometimes you just can't fight evolution as a new study shows that name brand can make the difference.


00:12:18 - What are we drinking? Charlie talks labels and a different kind of taste. Ben goes back to a brand he trusts. And Ryan tries to stick with the theme with a very convoluted connection.


00:17:41 - Trailer Trash Talk gets both high and deep as the Paleopals break down the trailer for Werner Herzog's new 3D documentary The Cave of Forgotten Dreams


00:33:08 - Science... sort of gets topical with a story about how language affects culture, politics and so much more when a video from RSA about linguistics gets the Paleopals thinking about current events in the Arab world.


00:49:52 - Paleopows are like uprisings, they show up when you least expect it and make you feel much less powerful. But this week we have a few doozies. First off, Ricky sends us a cryptic donation which helps explain last week's sign off. Then Ryan has some followup from the NCAA tournament via Sam A. And finally, Charlie has e-mail from a young whipper-snapper Doug who has been thinking long and hard about dark matter.



Thanks for listening, we have a blog, sometimes we even us it. It's called The Paleocave.



Music for this week's show:

Change Clothes - Jay-Z

A Beautiful Mine - Aceyalone & RJD2

The Cave - Mumford and Sons

That was a crazy game of poker - OAR