Apr 19, 2011
00:00:00 – Dr. Phil Currie, Professor of Paleontology at the University of Alberta and President of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, comes on to alert the Paleopals and more importantly the PaleoPosse about the dangers of bad legislation in Tennessee and elsewhere.
00:10:33 – As an addendum to that discussion the Paleopals talk about the fact that even though Creationism loses in the courtroom it still has a strong foothold in the classroom.
00:21:17 - Ryan has a Monster in his branded mug, Patrick whines from a usual place and Charlie seeks redemption. All to answer the simple question, "What are we drinking?"
00:25:23 – Once Patrick figures out what to watch this segment gets marvelously alliterative when Trailer Trash Talk tackles Thor! Ryan will be writing some pieces on Thor Science for Marvel in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for those links as they happen.
00:39:14 – According to a new study when you think of death you’re more likely to accept Intelligent Design (as opposed to dour Dawkins). The cure for this is finding existential meaning in science or enjoying some of the writing of Carl Sagan. None of the Paleopals are really all that shocked.
00:52:36 – PalePOWs are a lot like vampires. They can be utterly hypnotic and usually live for too long. This week Patrick helps Susan save her marriage via a trip down Seasame Street when she asks the taxonomy of Big Bird. Charlie thanks Dennis M. of BVI for a most generous donation. Next week we’ll be recording from the Carribean with Dennis to show our gratitude. Finally, Ryan has a voicemail from Cameron of MN who just wants to say that he digs the show and found us when Ryan ran his mouth on The Nerd List.
Thanks for Listening! Sometimes we blog, and that happens at Paleocave.com.
Music for this week's show:
Tennessee Pusher – Old Crow Medicine Show
Redemption Song – Bob Marley
How You Like Me Now – The Heavy
The Thoughts That Give Me The Creeps - Hellogoodbye