Jul 7, 2011
00:00:00 - This week Paleopals Ryan, Kelly and Ben are joined by a special guest Beverly Walker! She's come to us straight from Antarctica. Bev was down there last "summer" to do research but before we dive into the water and the science the Paleopals want to know just what life near the South Pole is really like, and Bev is happy to fill them (and YOU) in on the details!
00:19:21 - Thoughts of the cold and dry lead one to the warming and the wet. Kelly stays on the lighter side of dark with a beer not recommended by previous guest of the show Charles Bamforth. Ben has a weird chunky aloe-vera and honey concoction, and the less said about that the better. Whereas Bev has been given a summer beer which Ryan had previously and Ryan keeps things frosty with a winter Rye IPA from Saranac.
00:24:33 - Kelly introduces this weeks Trailer Trash Talk: 50/50 but doesn't have much positive to say. And the movie could very well be a downer, but it's too soon to tell. What say you noble, Paleoposse?
00:38:14 - Finally we find out what exactly Bev was doing in the deep deep south. And it was exploring the taphonomy ofophiuroids! (Don't worry, she explains what all that means.) So while her divers were making holes in the ice, and fighting off sea lions, Bev was solving the mysteries of the cold dark deep.
01:02:29 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like Antarctica, they've both had Bev on them once. And obviously Bev has no PaleoPOW other than her own opinion having just been on the show, which she enjoyed. Ben has an e-mail from Eirik about proper octopus plurals from way back in episode 17. 8 times the pendantry! Kelly has a truly awful iTunes review. And Ryan has an update from Steve on the Shackleton whisky expedition first reported on in the early days of episode 13. Since we still haven't gotten any we'll just have to send Bev off to get it for us!
Thanks for listening! Kelly has been (literally) parasitizing the blog all week so be sure to check it out at the Paleocave!
Music provided by:
Terra Nullius - DJ Spooky aka
Paul D. Miller
who has also created the Terra Nova: Sinfonia Antarctica based on field recordings from his time on the Antarctic continent which compliments his new book, The Book of Ice (get it on Amazon), with a mixture of essays, musics, photographs, interviews, architectural plans and even propaganda. I've had a chance to check out the book and it's really cool, I'll be posting a full review on the Paleocave soon!