Jul 5, 2010
00:00:00 – Ben has made it to the proper (read: west) coast but
is still too far north for Ryan and Patrick who are side by side
and sharing a brew.
00:05:03 – Patrick may be looking to get away because he wants to
talk about jetpack science. You know this one will lead to
00:19:44 – The Paleopals are feeling a bit loopy Trailer Trash
Talking Knight & Day with Tom Cruise. We’re not sure if he’s crazy
off-screen, on-screen, both or neither. Scientology should sue Ben,
we’re pretty sure he said the meanest stuff.
00:37:22 – Ben has a real physics story he wants to talk about. He
promises not to get distracted. He might succeed but we don’t
remember cause we got distracted.
00:48:14 – The PaleoPOW leads to a confused Ben, which is amusing
in its own right (blame Formspring). Also Ryan and Patrick each
read some sort of listener interaction too. What were the
Find links to these stories and more at
My United Sates of Whatever – Liam Lynch
Jet Pack – Eve 6
Crazy Eyes – Old Crow Medicine Show
Fall – Something Corporate