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Science... sort of

Jul 5, 2010

00:00:00 - Ryan is out of character as he demands to keep things moving as the other Paleopals Charlie and Patrick are forced to rush through drinks and a theme.

00:03:50 - Patrick is annoyed by the name of a new mega whale, but at least it has more teeth than stupid Sperm Whales (whom also have a weird name, am I right?).

00:16:39 - But this week the Paleopals are also on the hunt as they dissect the trailer for Predators. Things get a bit literal and heavy handed.

00:27:32 – A new type of scientist finds an old type of spear. Do your part for anthropology by walking around melting glaciers and picking up oddly shaped sticks. You could be the next Indiana Jones!

00:38:40 – PaleoPOW! Patrick has news from Chad on newly discovered brews. Charlie is Dallan’s forgotten favorite in a new iTunes review. And Ryan gets some cow-based blog feedback from Tomica.

Links to these stories and more can be found at

No I in Threesome – Interpol
Whaley – Sentinel
It was a good day – Ice Cube (From the album “The Predator”)
Hunt - Aceyalone