May 3, 2019
00:00:00 - This episode we’re thrilled to be joined by comedian Shane Mauss (@shanecomedy), currently touring his Stand Up Science show around the county and happy enough to sit down and chat with Ryan about it. In the first segment they talk about the way Shane thinks about comedy mathematically, growing up, and sloth poop because Ryan can’t help himself.
00:21:59 - Patrick and Charlie stop by to have a drink. Charlie is being refreshed by a Starbucks Refresher whereas Patrick is powering through some Glenlivet Founder’s Reserve in his quest to find a Scotch whisky he likes. Ryan tests out a Bittermilk No. 1 Handcrafted Cocktail Mixer which is… fine.
00:28:18 - In part two of our conversation with Shane we talk about what it’s like to do comedy about evolution in rural parts of the US and what scientists can learn from comedians about getting a message out to a sometimes hostile audience. You can hear the rest of their conversation on the “Sloths + Fossils” episode of Shane’s Here We Are podcast out now! Shane is touring with his comedy and has a new documentary out on streaming, Pyschonautics. Check it all out!
00:55:05 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like comedy; laughable. Ryan has an e-mail from Jon O. who appreciates the careful distinction between Creationists and other Christians. Patrick has an e-mail from a less irate Graeme N. about naked apes and potential shared beers. Charlie opines on molten salt reactors for Patron Matt R. who also doesn’t want a BSso thesis and since we can’t force a degree on someone that’ll just have to be that. Let us know if you’re ever read to submit and wrap up, Matt but for now: [file not found, degree requirements incomplete, BSso not awarded]. Charlie also wants folks to know that his department has a new degree if they’re thinking about going to school and not sure what to study. Ryan recently appeared on the UnDisciplined podcast for their April Science News Roundup and the Retro Movie Roundtable to discuss Disney’s live action early 90s The Three Musketeers. Plus he was featured in a AAAS piece about volunteering at his local high school. And to top it all off, Ryan and Abe are doing the first ever Patreon hangout this Sunday (May 5th) from 7—8PM EDT. If you’re a patron, we hope to see you there!
More cool rewards await you if you decide to support us on our Patreon!
Music for this episode: Good Times - Poddington Bear