Nov 23, 2015
00:00:00 - Way way back in the 1980's some scientists found a... thing. No this isn't the start of an excellent John Carpenter movie, it's something that happened in real life! Only this year did someone get around to describing the thing, and it turns out they couldn't. Does this new animal deserve a new phylum all to itself? Listen and decide for yourself!
00:22:54 - Ethanol is a great way to preserve specimens when done properly. It's also a great way to socialize, but again, only when used properly. Here are three examples of its proper use. Charlie kicks back a Phosphorescent Pale from the sentimental Island Hoppin' Brewery, near where he got hitched. Patrick enjoys a Devils Tale collaboration from Devil's Backbone Brewing Company and Coronado Brewing Company. He's come so far from his early days as a hops detractor. Ryan claims the greatest beer in the history of the show, a bold claim but can he pull it off? You be the judge, for he sups a Camarasaurus Cream Ale from Fossil Brewing Company!
00:30:31 - Speaking of ruling the drinks segment, who really rules the earth? And, assuming humans are dominant now, who takes over when we're gone? A think piece from LiveScience prompts a free-wheeling discussion that ends in an obvious answer (hint: AI). In other news, new species of hominids keep popping up basically all the time. That's cool . Unless any of this isn't even real, and then who really cares, right?
01:20:15 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like AI, once turned on it's difficult to get them to stop. Patrick presents a new recurring donation from Steven C. Thanks Steven! Charlie also has a donation to pair with a story and a few questions from the UNGA. The story is touching, and the questions are hard. Namely, what ultimately controls the tree line? It's not at all simple, but the guys take a stab at it. Finally, Ryan has an easier question about how solar panels work from Mike S. And a quick message to all parents of 4th graders: This school year you all get into any US National Park unit for FREE! Check out the details here: Every Kid In A Park.
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show:
Family Tree - TV on the Radio
Ambulance - TV on the Radio
Golden Age - TV on the Radio