Dec 23, 2015
00:00:00 - This week, Joe and Ryan chat with Mike Snyder, c0-founder and chief engineer of Made In Space, which has already begun 3D printing all sorts of things for astronauts about the International Space Station. So kind of a big deal.
00:21:50 - Even co-founders need a beverage now and again, and Mike is no...
Dec 12, 2015
00:00:00 - We're doing something a little different this week. Now that Charlie is an Assistant Professor he can assign things to students, and it turns out he assigned them a podcast about energy in Washington state. The topics are all across the board, everything from wind energy, solar power, LEED...
Nov 30, 2015
00:00:00 - Even though the heat is on in most places now did you find your air conditioning over the summer oppressive? You may be right! A study published in Nature (open access) suggests that the way we cool our buildings is woefully out of date and skews the temperature in favor of men over women. Well guess what,...
Nov 23, 2015
00:00:00 - Way way back in the 1980's some scientists found a... thing. No this isn't the start of an excellent John Carpenter movie, it's something that happened in real life! Only this year did someone get around to describing the thing, and it turns out they couldn't. Does this new animal deserve a new phylum all...
Oct 1, 2015
00:00:00 - Most of this week is dedicated to our interview with author Andy Weir, author of The Martian. The free-wheeling discussion includes how Andy tackled the science of the book, what the reception has been like (including getting a little movie about it made), and what's coming up next. We finish up...