Jul 25, 2019
00:00:00 - Joe brings his friend and historian Kristina Gaddy (@kgadz) onto the show to talk about Chessie, the supposed sea monster of the Chesapeake Bay (bay monster?). She wrote a piece about the history and cultural perception of this cryptid.
00:35:39 - It may not be surprising to hear that as a bona fide icon, Chessie is featured by some local breweries. Kristina is having a beer from RAR brewing that features a little Chessie on every can. Joe argues that his King Kong Cola is an appropriate choice given the theme. And Ryan enjoys a Grampus Smoked Nut Brown Ale from Hellbender Brewing to celebrate a beloved amphibian.
00:42:50 - Kristina also has a new book coming out about the true story of French teenagers resisting the Nazi occupation titled Flowers in the Gutter, available for pre-order now!
00:51:31 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like livestreams; we’re not really sure how they work. This particular PaleoPOW was actually recorded during a Patreon livestream hangout where Ryan began by reading an e-mail from Tommy M. thanking us for his thesis, and then they brought in Patron Sam to help answer a question from RJ about how to decide what science to study when they go back to school.
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