Mar 14, 2012
00:00:00 - Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson joins the Paleopals for the first time in 101 episodes to talk about NASA budgets, exploration, and his new book Space Chronicles! Be sure to check out Dr. Tyson's own podcasting efforts on the show Star Talk Radio.
00:36:17 - Drinks, they're a part of the show, so they get a segment. This is that segment. Ben has a typical (for him) weird coconut drink (with jelly). Charlie has a midday can of Cocoa-Cola Classic. And Ryan has a hasty gimlet.
00:39:31 - Trailer Trash Talk gets dark, and potentially boring, with the trailer for the quasi-historical Poe thriller The Raven.
00:49:22 - Even though Ben just did an entire show on warp drives, there's always something new to talk about, and he does just that.
01:03:45 - PaleoPOWs are lot like space, both are worth investing in. Charlie has our "bread and butter" of feedback, an iTunes review from Brittany Vegas. Ryan has a Facebook comment from Matthew P. concerning our Science... sort of Theater, as well as more cinematic corrections from Ryan R. And finally, Ben has an all-new all-Canadian iTunes review from faelystia!
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show provided by:
Space Travel is Boring - Modest Mouse
Coconut - Kermit, Two Nurses and the Witch Doctor
Raining in Baltimore - Counting Crows
Warped - Red Hot Chili Peppers