Jun 22, 2012
00:00:00 - LeMans is a race that takes 24 hours. It's a Motorsport thing, which comes dangerously close to SPORTZ. So the Paleopals call in reinforcements in the form of Joe Batwinis. Why attempt to recreate Car Talk at all? Because the race was won by a diesel hybrid, and that's quite interesting.
00:21:07 - Drinks are also of interest, at least to the presenters of the show. So here's what they were having. Jacob was loving his saison from Smuttynose. Patrick is perplexed by his Harpoon IPA. Joe comes close to receiving Southern wrath with his mispronunciation of the popular Dixie soda Cheerwine. And finally Ryan goes pre-purity law with a 13th Century Grut Bier.
00:29:10 - This week on Trailer Trash Talk the Paleopals abandon Ryan in their overall dismissal of the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man.
00:47:54 - The guys may not know how to pronounce Chauvet, but they do know it's home to some old paintings, but just how old? And done by whom? Patrick and Ryan explain how we date the difficult, and whether or not neanderthals are to blame for the pieces. It's all part of science's new obsession with old pigments!
01:01:07 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like cave paintings, no one knows exactly how they started. This week: all foreign edition! Patrick gets a recurring yen donation from Curt S. who likes to wear his Science... sort of shirt while visiting foreign breweries. EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT SENTENCE IS BEYOND AWESOME! Thanks, Curt! Jacob has a question from Karl M. about bad science in movies and how that makes us feel. Ryan first makes up for not mentioning the new podcast Generation Anthropocene but ends with a "simple" question about dinosaurs from Luke J., the answer to which manages to confound and anger poor Jacob.
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show provided by:
He Thought Of Cars - Blur
Hell Of A Season - The Black Keys
Spiderwebs - No Doubt
Rock of Ages - Gillian Welch