Jul 18, 2012
00:00:00 - A new Zune review fails to distract the Paleopals from noticing just how hot it's been. According to NOAA, the organization not the dude, it really has been "hot as balls" out lately, and the weather has been whackier than usual too boot. The last time it got this hot might have been the PETM, which we mention here but have talked about in a bit more depth on a previous episode.
00:22:53 - Drinks help you beat the heat. Believe it. Patrick is feeling patriotic with his all-American (Belgian-owned) Budweiser. Ryan is also in the spirit of USA drinking an Independence Day ale from Innis & Gunn (from Scotland). And Charlie, in the true spirit of the states, has a homebrewed ESB, made by a British dude. We might have botched this round.
00:27:44- Trailer Trash Talk present a future "What did Charlie think" as the Paleopals feel conflicted over the 'documentary' Craigslist Joe.
00:38:47 - Male cuttlefish do their best impression of Harvey Dent to fool other dudes in the tank while courting the ladies. Recent works shows that these animals are not just masters of camoflauge but can also multitask with the best of them. And they're not "essentially snails," so don't even go there.
00:56:02 - PaleoPOWs are lot like cuttlefish, you never know if you're about to be tricked. Ryan tells the tale of Lee U. who set up a new recurring donation because that's what awesome people do for fun these days. Patrick presents an update on the "French cave of wonders" story from a few weeks ago via an e-mail from Vincete. And finally Charlie et al. try to help Michale M. pick some classes to help his move forward with SCIENCE.
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Music for this week's show provided by:
Just a Little Heat - The Black Keys
July, July! - The Decemberists
Help Me Find My Way - Rooney
Cuddle Fuddle - Passion Pit