May 24, 2015
00:00:00 - Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, you find out that beluga whales now have cat parasites. The parasites are surviving in the cold whales thanks to climate change, and it wouldn't necessarily be a problem expect arctic peoples tend to eat the whale meat raw, which is bad news for pregnant ladies. Moral of the story? Always cook your whale meat thoroughly before consumption!
00:18:50 - Drinks don't often need to be cooked. If they do you're drinking something weird. Joe is driving some V8 over ice, how fancy. Ryan doesn't care what time it is and has a Slope Style Winter IPA from Boulder Beer Company. And Kelly has a latte, how convenient!
00:22:06 - Worried about spilling your coffee? Well if you add some frothy milk you'll reduce your risk, because we no know that a foamy head reduces sloshing, thus reducing spilling. Thanks, science!
00:34:46 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like lattes, they've become very popular in recent years but you shouldn't have too many in a day. Kelly has a followup from Joel, originally features in episode 204, updating us on the situation with Tasmanian Devil face cancer. Joe has a nice voicemail from Christian in Miami thanking. And Ryan has an update from Brad M. in Australia following up from when he called out all Brads.
00:56:35 - Extended outro this week because Joe had more things he wanted to say about sloshing!