Apr 21, 2016
00:00:00 - Kelly is back and she's got an update on some scientists that seem to have found a way to stem the spread of the chytrid fungus affecting all those poor froggies. Hope on the horizon? Maybe, but it'll be a hard technique to apply large scale. We also spend some time talking about a Civil War story involving glowing wounds the help soldiers survive. A science fair project may have found the answer, but Ryan still thinks a body farm experiment needs to be done.
00:28:10 - A stiff drink used to be the only painkiller you might get. Kelly's drink isn't stiff but it still provokes a strong reaction: water kefir. After painstakingly explaining what is and how she made it, Abe and Ryan have nothing good to say. Abe tries to salvage the conversation with some Romantic Chemistry, but alas it falls a bit short. Ryan tries to avoid Kelly's wrath when talking about the Pinchgut Hollow Buckwheat Moonshine his Dad gave him.
00:40:50 - Did you know China has a rover on the moon? Turns out China has a rover on the moon. And it did some science! Researchers have announced that they've found a new type of lunar basalt. Sounds straightforward enough but Abe explains the complexities.
01:01:58 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like Chinese lunar rovers; most Americans don't even know they exist. Kelly has an e-mail from former guest of the show Zeka Kuspa, who wants to know if the now extinct Condor louse makes her list of eradicated parasites. Abe reads an e-mail from Steven who's asking for some help tracking down a particular SoCal beer. We don't have a specific answer, but it sounds like he just needs to keep trying Imperial Pilsners. Ryan rounds out the show with a new recurring donation from Leong all the way in Taiwan. Thanks, Leong! Ryan, of course, plugs his ongoing crowdfunding campaign, go watch the video and consider donating here!
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podcasts!
Music for this week's show:
Glowworm - Apples in Stereo
Moonshine - Lit
The Rover - Led Zeppelin