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Science... sort of

Feb 28, 2012

00:00:00 - The Russians are repopulating their tundra with 30,000 year old squirrel leftovers i.e. they germinated a plant from a 30,000 year old seed (sort of)  and now they have a pretty flower. Awesome.

00:13:18 - Drinks are needed to make plants and Paleopals grow. Jacob has BAWLS, don't ask. Kelly has a...

Feb 21, 2012

00:00:00 - Lake Vostok is perhaps the most difficult to get to lake in the world. Yet the Russians have spent over a decade attempting to tap it. What's the deal? Why so interesting? And is it even a good idea? There's a lot to say about Vostok and the Paleopals waste no time diving right in. (Also: Secret Nazi Hilter...

Feb 17, 2012

00:00:00 - Brynn Metheney joins us to talk about coffee, aparently, but also her new world-building project 'The Red Valley' and her new print for sale featuring a very familiar mascot.

00:18:31 - This week we're dealing with feedback asking about biology. Leslie L. wants to know about ring species and Summer F....

Feb 13, 2012

And now for something completely different! We Paleopals figured it might be fun to watch a movie together. We also figured it might be fun for you to join us. Thus this experiment was born. So the entire crew sat down and watched the 1993 cinematic classic Jurassic Park, while simultaneously on Skype and these are the...

Feb 8, 2012

00:00:00 - Bora Zivkovic chats with Ryan about Science Online 2012, the unconference that we're happy to have clutter our twitter feeds! Then Jacquelyn Gill returns to tell us about her experiences as a participant as the very same conferences. Two perspectives?! It's like real journalism in here.

00:34:34 - Taking a...