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Science... sort of

Mar 29, 2010

Short and sweet but still full of content... sot of. It's Episode 29: Stanger in a Strange Land! 

  • 00:00:00 - Soul-mates and Paleopals Patrick and Charlie almost share beers both ways. It's confusing, but they seem to get. Ryan drinks something better and has obscure reasons for doing so. We've all been here before,...

Mar 22, 2010


Most of our listeners are human (we think) so chances are you'd be pretty useless in a fantasy realm. We brought in someone who agrees but is there hope? This week's theme is "Fantasy Survival Guide."


00:00:00 - Ben barely had time, and is under contractual obligation, to just have water. The other Paleopals enjoy...

Mar 14, 2010

The Monsters Among Us -or- 3 Paleopals in Fine Form Indeed 

00:00:00 - Who is who? In which a woman with credentials is presented and the thematic integrity of Ryan's beer is questioned.

00:04:28 - Jeff asks the tough questions, such as: How is a quaking Earth like a spinning figure skater? The answer may surprise you,...

Mar 9, 2010

More sort of than science this week, but still fun... sort of.

00:00:00 - The Canadian brings the Yeti! Justin drinks old beer and spews old nonsense to boot. Benjamin goes tropical in an unexpected way (at least to Old Man Yeakel). And Ryan quizzes the guys on mascots.

00:08:03 - Next some very overdue whining...

Mar 1, 2010

This week we're coming in strong and don't intend to let up with our powerhouse theme: Science Heavyweights

00:00:00 The Paleopals may be crunched for time and resources but the drinking part of the show is important and taken care of. However, for the first time EVER the Paleopals are all drinking the same thing! Tune...