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Science... sort of

Jun 29, 2018

00:00:00 - Ryan and Juliana sit down with Kevin Hoch (@krhoch) to talk about pterosaurs! They're not dinosaurs but they're still great. We begin with some pterosaur basics to make sure everyone is up to speed.

00:21:52 - Much like pterosaurs at presumably some point in the past, we are in Tulsa, OK. Kevin provides some...

Jun 14, 2018

00:00:00 - Kelly and Ryan are joined by author Carl Zimmer to discuss his latest book: She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity

00:24:28 - In which Kelly and Ryan take a quick coffee break, even if Kelly goes decaf

00:28:17 - Part two of our chat with Carl. If you simply must have...